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SpaceClaim Connect Beta

Thank you for participating in the beta of our new live 3D collaboration tool codenamed Connect. This page contains useful information for hosting or joining a session. Check back here for updates during the beta period.

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User's Guide: SpaceClaim Connect Users Guide.pdf

Requirements to host a Connect session:

·         Installed copy of SpaceClaim 2014

·         Internet access for the SpaceClaim application

Requirements to join a Connect session:

·         A browser that supports WebGL: Chrome is highly recommended, but Firefox, Safari, and IE 11 work (check http://get.webgl.org to see if your browser is supported)

·         Browser version support info: http://caniuse.com/webgl

·         Internet access

Frequently Asked Questions 

 How do I start hosting a Connect session?

In the application menu in SpaceClaim (top left) select Share>Using SpaceClaim Connect.


Enter your name in the dialog box that appears and select "Email" or "Copy URL" to send an invite link to participants.

Your connect session should now be active. A new "Connect" tab will appear in the ribbon while the session is active. To end a session click the "Disconnect" button at the end of the ribbon.

How do I invite others to join my session?

Send them a URL link using the Invite button on the Connect ribbon tab.

How do I join a session?

In order to join a session you must receive a URL link from the host. The link should look similar to this:

Click the link or paste it into your browser and enter your name in the following dialog:

Click "Join Session" to enter the session.

Can I join a Connect session from a tablet or mobile device?

Yes, but you must join using a browser and device that supports WebGL. Go here to check if your device has support. Currently iOS devices do not have support. Many Android devices are supported by enabling WebGL in Chrome. See here for how to enable it.

When I Pan/Zoom/Rotate my Connect Session Crashes?

This might be due to your windows language settings. This is for cases where your preferred language setting uses commas instead of decimals. To fix this problem go to the Control Panel » Region and Language » Under the Format tab select Additional Settings » Under the Numbers tab change decimal symbol from a comma(,) to a period(.).

How do I provide feedback?

You can provide feedback by clicking the "Feedback" button on the Connect ribbon in SpaceClaim or clicking the feedback link when you receive an invite via email. Also, when a session ends, all participants will be redirected to a feedback page. If you have any problems during a session or just want to tell us what you would like us to add next, please let us know.

Is there audio or chat provided with Connect?

At this time audio and chat features are not provided with a session. It is something we are looking into adding though, so please let us know if you think it should be a top priority.

What happens when I load a very large model?

Connect does not have a limit on the size of the model you can work with. If you are working with very large models however, you will need to make sure all participants are using 64-bit browsers capable of handling models of extreme size.

I clicked on the invite link and nothing happened. What do I do?

Let us know! If you already checked to make sure that you have WebGl support, it is possible that you have a firewall or other security software that is keeping you from joining the session. If you have another browser, try connecting with that. If all else fails, give SpaceClaim support a call.

The model I see in my browser appears to be stuck. How do I fix it?

Try refreshing the page and joining the session again.

Why do my snapshots not restore correctly when I switch models?

We are working on making snapshots restore the associated model along with the saved view orientation and markup. Since the host currently controls which models are open in the session, this type of restore gets a bit more complicated.