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SpaceClaim Frequently Asked Questions:

How do I reset my MySpaceClaim password?

Go to the Admin tab in your MySpaceClaim account to reset your password.

How do I get a MySpaceClaim.com account?

When you enter your Serial Number the first time you launch SpaceClaim, your MySpaceClaim.com account is created automatically using the information you enter during the license registration. You should receive credentials via email.

How do I retrieve my MySpaceClaim Login ID?

For assistance, please contact the SpaceClaim Support Team at http://www.spaceclaim.com/Support/supportoverview.aspx.

How do I retrieve my MySpaceClaim password?

Go to the MySpaceClaim log in page at http://www.spaceclaim.com/en/my/login.aspx. Click the Lost Password link and enter the e-mail address associated with your MySpaceClaim account. You will receive an e-mail with your new password.

Why can´t I find my SpaceClaim installers on Myspaceclaim.com?

Go to the Download tab in your MySpaceClaim account. If no installers are available, your subscription services may have lapsed. If this is the case, please contact the SpaceClaim Sales Team at sales@spaceclaim.com.
